Seniors. Trends and challenges
for companies and institutions.
Spain and Portugal

Download trend report. Available in Spanish

Age from another perspective

We guide companies and institutions on how to approach the
senior community by adapting their products, services, processes
and communication, promoting the value of age in society.
Imagen paisaje

Is your town, city or
community Age-friendly?

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Senior Talent Management

We propose various programs to help companies adapt
their human resources practices, through a simple,
affordable implementation with a high impact on the organization.

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Imagen tetera oscurecida

Do you know if your company's
products and services are easy for
an older person to use?


Silver Economy Group

10 tendencias de uso de tecnología en los sénior Silver Economy Consulting

At Silver Economy Group we have a multidisciplinary team with first-rate experience in the creation and development of projects in different sectors: mass consumption, tertiary, etc. At the national and international level.


Silver economy is the economic activity generated by the consumption of products and services by those over 55 years of age. It promotes wealth and innovation in sectors as diverse as health, finance, etc. In addition, it favors the creation of a more inclusive society with age.Group

Thinking about the senior group inspires us and motivates us to act.

La sociedad se enfrenta al desafío demográfico del envejecimiento de la población, empresas e instituciones públicas y privadas necesitan cubrir nuevas necesidades sociales y económicas en un contexto complejo y cambiante.

Desde Silver Economy Consulting ofrecemos nuestro conocimiento y experiencia para acompañar y facilitar a nuestros clientes la búsqueda e implantación de las  soluciones que requiere el reto del envejecimiento y longevidad de la población.

Conocer más

Conseguir una sociedad más inclusiva en la que el bienestar de los ciudadanos es la prioridad,  requiere incorporar al colectivo sénior en todas las políticas y programas económicos y sociales de las instituciones públicas y privadas, como promueve la OMS (Organización Mundial de la Salud) que ha puesto en marcha una serie de iniciativas con este fin: Red de Ciudades y Comunidades Amigables con las Personas Mayores; Década del Envejecimiento Saludable…)

Silver Economy Consulting desarrolla el proyecto junto con el equipo técnico de su ayuntamiento, acompañándoles en todo el proceso y dando el soporte necesario para la elaboración del diagnóstico de amigabilidad del municipio, la elaboración del plan de acción y el posterior seguimiento de las acciones planificadas, así como su inclusión en la Red de Ciudades Amigables con las Personas Mayores.

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Society faces the demographic challenge of the aging population, companies and public and private institutions need to meet new social and economic needs in a complex and changing context.

From Silver Economy Consulting we offer our knowledge and experience to accompany and facilitate our clients in the search and implementation of solutions required by the challenge of aging and longevity of the population.Group


Achieving a more inclusive society in which the well-being of citizens is the priority, requires incorporating the senior community in all economic and social policies and programs of public and private institutions, as promoted by the WHO (World Health Organization) that has launched a series of initiatives to this end: Network of Cities and Communities Age-friendly; Decade of Healthy Aging …).

Silver Economy Group develops the project together with the technical team of its city council, accompanying them throughout the process and giving the necessary support for the elaboration of the friendliness diagnosis of the municipality, the elaboration of the action plan and the subsequent follow-up of the planned actions, as well as its inclusion in the Network of Age-friendly cities.

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